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CO, CO2, NOx, SOx, PMx, THC, VOC

K Opacity smog reducer

emission reducer liquid combustion catalyst


Green Plus Fuel formula - emissziocsokkento folyekony egeskatalizator - premium uzemanyag hatoanyag
Green Plus Fuel formula - emissziocsokkento folyekony egeskatalizator - premium uzemanyag hatoanyag


Green Plus Fuel

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Solutions for a Greener Planet

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Petrolina Oil Adopts Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst to Enhance Gasoline and Diesel Fuel in Cyprus in 2008

Click on the arrow for Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst presentation

Biofriendly and Green Plus® Liquid Combustion Catalyst News

Press Release

Green Plus® Liquid Combustion Catalyst Approved by the State of Texas for Use in Diesel Fuel

November 9, 2009, Covina, CA –Biofriendly Corporation announced today that Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst has been approved by the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ), as an alternative formulation solution to meet the Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) requirements.

The Texas Low Emission Diesel program is designed to lower emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and other smog-forming pollutants from diesel-powered motor vehicles and non-road equipment in all counties of the State of Texas where air quality is a concern. Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst was approved as a solution for diesel fuel producers, importers, retailers and others to meet this State requirement. Renewed approval of 2005 in 2009, in 2011.


Biofriendly Corporation Signs Agreement with Sandcastle Petroleum LLC to Market "Green" Fuel

Biofriendly Corporation announced today that it has signed an agreement with Sandcastle Petroleum LLC of Celebration, Florida. The agreement gives Sandcastle exclusive rights to market fuel which has been treated with Biofriendly’s patented Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst to independent gas stations in the United States, Puerto Rico and other geographies. Sandcastle plans to market the Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst treated dieseland gasoline fuel for the same price as regular fuels.  Sandcastle selected Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst for its unique ability to lower harmful emissions, improve fuel economy and enhance engine performance.  Sandcastle reports that independent gas station owners believe offering a “Green” fuel will give them a marketing edge because consumers want to improve fuel economy and be environmentally conscious at the same time


+36 30 33 22 666 Péter Bíró, Szekszárd, HU, EU

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Biofriendly the World Standard in Green Fuel Solutions


Green Plus Energia Átmeneti Üzemanyag




Green Plus®Liquid Combustion Catalyst

Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst is the world's most effective and economical solution for significantly reducing emissions, increasing engine efficiency and improving fuel economy. To learn more about Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst and how this environmentally friendly product can help the air we breathe click here.

Equador video   Guadalajara video 1 video 2

Combustion in engine  without Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst the explosion and the flame does not fill out totally the burning chamber as you can see on these pictures (diesel engine is in upper cross section, gasoline engine is in side cross section) and on video on youtube

The ignition and the combustion is more perfect with Biofriendly Green Plus formula, you can see the different

how shows emision and fuel consumption improving the Green Plus Catalyst using

How Green Plus® Liquid Catalyst is Used

Green Plus® Liquid Catalyst is Easy to Use

Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst is often added to fuel by oil companies, in bulk, in the same locations as  other additives, dyes and lubricity agents and to coals by coal fired power plants.

Green Plus® Liquid Catalyst Improves Most Fuels

Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst is effective at reducing emissions and improving the efficiency of all types of internal combustion engines, turbines, rocket engines of spaceships, boilers and furnaces.

About Us

Biofriendly Corporation

Biofriendly Corporation was founded in 1997 with the express purpose of discovering and bringing to market solutions for a cleaner planet. To learn more about the environmentally friendly goals of Biofriendly, click here.

Biofriendly Corporation - Finally Solving the Riddle of Improved Combustion

For over 100 years the challenge of significantly improving the combustion of hydrocarbon-based fuels such as gasoline, diesel, heavy fuel oil and coal has stymied scientists worldwide.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the thermal energy to mechanical energy efficiency of light-duty combustion engines is around 30%. Heavy-duty engines are only marginally better at 40%.

Unfortunately, the opportunity to improve fuel combustion characteristics (and therefore engine efficiency) has spawned a worldwide panorama of “fuel enhancing” products, most of which are ineffective. This has created the idea that nothing works; that all of these products are “snake oil.”

That perception is about to change. After nearly 15 years of research and development and over four  billion miles of customer use, along with numerous certified laboratory tests and field trials, a product has finally entered the world market that can stand behind its claims.

Green Plus
® liquid combustion catalyst is a liquid catalyst that is added to fuel to improve combustion. Green Plus® liquid combustion catalyst helps solve one of the energy industry’s biggest challenges: how to improve the burn in order to convert more energy to work and at the same time reducing harmful emissions.



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